Badgers have long captured the imagination of nature lovers. Known for their striking black and white striped faces, these nocturnal animals make a striking subject for sculpture. Learn how to create a posh paper mache badger head which can be displayed on your wall. This project requires quite advanced dexterity so may not be suitable for younger children - you can watch the video below to see how it's made.

What's so good about badgers?
Sometimes controversial, badgers are on the whole a cherished species in the UK, often found in habitats ranging from woodlands to urban areas. They dig elaborate burrows and display playful behaviors, making them fascinating creatures to observe. Badgers play a role in British folklore, appearing in stories and art over the centuries. Craft your own paper mache badger head to immortalise one of the most strikingly beautiful but elusive creatures to be found in our countryside!
Before starting the project, you will need the following:
Download and cut out my badger head template from thin wood or strong cardboard, or you can design your own template.
A hot or cold glue gun and glue sticks.
My Posh Paper Mache Mix or an ordinary paper mache mix made with flour - you can find recipies for both of these in my Blog.
A blunt knife or spreader.
Protective gloves, e.g. latex or nitrile.
Scissors for cutting your newspaper.
A bowl for mixing your paper mache mix.
An apron or old clothes.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace
It's best to choose a well-ventilated area and cover your workspace with newspapers or a plastic sheet to protect it from damage. This will help to keep your area tidy and makes cleanup easier.
Step 2: Create the Template
Download and cut out my Badger Head template. Alternatively you can design your own template at home so you are making something completely your own. My template comprises an oval back board, which allows it to be mounted on the wall, a badger head silhouette - you can draw this freehand or try tracing an image of a badger - plus two ear shapes, so it is quite simple if you want to try making one for yourself.
You can cut your templates out of thin wooden board or strong cardboard. Wood will obviously be stronger, but if you don't have the means to cut it use cardboard.
Step 3: Build the Badger Form
Make yourself a pile of newspaper twists by twisting each page of a newspaper lengthwise. You can build these up on the badger template to create your badger form. This is my own unique method - watch my video to see how I do this.
Step 4: Make the Posh Paper Mache Mix
You can download and keep my "Secret" Posh Paper Mache Recipe from my Blog or you will find an ordinary paper mache recipe which is suitable for children.
Full instructions are provided for both. Make up your paper mache once you have your workstation, your completed badger form and all your tools ready.
Step 5: Shape the Form
Apply your paper mache mix to the surface of the badger form to sculpt the shape of it. Watch my video to see how to do this. This will take quite a while so leave yourself a couple of hours to work on it or it is possible to complete it over more than one session.
Step 6: Decorate Your Creation
Once it is fully dry, paint your badger head using appropriate colors. Traditionally, badgers have black noses, white stripes, and you can add grey or brown for their fur. I use acrylic paint, but other paints will work. I also like to use clippings from magazines to decoupage onto my sculptures to add extra interest.
The badger head that I created in the video below was snapped up before I could take photographs of it so I will make another to show you the decorating process when I get a minute!
Step 7: Finishing Touches
After everything is dry, you can seal and varnish the badger sculpture with a househould yacht varnish or an acrylic varnish for protection. If you prefer you can leave it unvarnished. To fix it to the wall you can either drill a hole in the back big enough to hook over a screw that is fixed to the wall or buy a D ring fixing or similar hook to fix to the back, which will allow it to hang on a wall.
Video Tutorial
For visual guidance watch the instructional video below that shows you the entire building and sculpting process from start to finish. It's a little bit long as I have included all of the process for you to see so grab yourself a cup of tea while you watch! I have created a forum on Facebook here in case you get stuck.
Caring for Your Paper Mache Badger Head
Keeping your paper mache badger head in good condition is straightforward.
If you have used my Posh Paper Mache Mix and varnished it it will be very durable and just need an occassional dust or clean with a damp cloth.
If you have used an ordinary paper mache mix and it is not varnished make sure it is displayed in a dry area to prevent mold and deterioration. If you notice any wear and tear you can simply touch it up with a bit more paint to keep it looking good.
I hope you enjoy the process of making this badger, I will be adding more fun things to make in my Blog as I go along so keep an eye out for new things to make!